The 47 Presidents of the United States

President's Name

Party Age Inaugu-

Vice Presidents

Defeated Opponent
1. George Washington none 57 1789
67 John Adams
John Adams
2. John Adams Fed 61 1797 90 Thomas Jefferson ** Thomas Jefferson
3. Thomas Jefferson JR 57 1801
83 Aaron Burr
George Clinton
Aaron Burr
Charles C Pinckney
4. James Madison JR 57 1809
85 George Clinton
Elbridge Gerry
Charles C Pinckney
DeWitt Clinton
5. James Monroe JR 58 1817
73 Daniel D Tompkins
Daniel D Tompkins
Rufus King
6. John Quincy Adams JR 57 1825 80 John C Calhoun Andrew Jackson
7. Andrew Jackson Dem 61 1829
78 John C Calhoun ++
Martin Van Buren
John Q. Adams
Henry Clay
8. Martin Van Buren Dem 54 1837 79 Richard M Johnson # William H Harrison
9. William H. Harrison * Whig 68 1841 68 John Tyler Martin Van Buren
10. John Tyler Whig 51 1841 71 None None
11. James K. Polk Dem 49 1845 53 George M Dallas Henry Clay
12. Zachary Taylor * Whig 64 1849 65 Millard Fillmore Lewis Cass
13. Millard Fillmore Whig 50 1850 74 None None
14. Franklin Pierce Dem 48 1853 64 William R King Winfield Scott
15. James Buchanan Dem 65 1857 77 John C Breckinridge John C Fremont
16. Abraham Lincoln * Rep
56 Hannibal Hamlin
Andrew Johnson **
J C Breckinridge
George B McClellan
17. Andrew Johnson Union 56 1869 66 None None
18. Ulysses Simpson Grant Rep 46 1869
63 Schuyler Colfax
Henry Wilson
Horatio Seymour
Horace Greely
19. Rutherford Birchard Hayes Rep 54 1877 70 William A Wheeler Samuel J Tilden
20. James Abram Garfield * Rep 49 1881 49 Chester A Arthur Winfield S Hancock
21. Chester Alan Arthur Rep 51 1881 57 None None
22. Stephen "Grover" Cleveland Dem 47 1885 71 Thomas A Hendricks James G Blaine
23. Benjamin Harrison Rep 55 1889 67 Levi P Morton Grover Cleveland
24. Stephen "Grover" Cleveland Dem 55 1893 71 Adlai E Stevenson Benjamin Harrison
25. William McKinley * Rep 54 1897
58 Garret A Hobart
Theodore Roosevelt
William J Bryan
William J Bryan
26.Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Rep 42 1901
60 None
Charles W Fairbanks
Albert B Parker
27. William Howard Taft Rep 51 1909 72 James S Sherman William J Bryan
28. Woodrow Wilson Dem 56 1913
67 Thomas R Marshall
Thomas R Marshall
Theodore Roosevelt
Charles E Hughes
29. Warren Gamaliel Harding * Rep 55 1921 57 Calvin Coolidge James M Cox
30. John "Calvin" Coolidge Rep 51 1923
60 None
Charles G Dawes
John W. Davis
31. Herbert Hoover Rep 54 1929 90 Charles Curtis Alfred E Smith
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt * Dem 51 1933
63 John N Garner
John N Garner
Henry A Wallace
Harry S Truman
Herbert Hoover
Alfred M Landon
Wendell L Wilkie
Thomas E Dewey
33. Harry S. Truman Dem 60 1945
88 None
Alben W Barkley
Thomas E Dewey
34. Dwight David Eisenhower Rep 62 1953
78 Richard M Nixon
Richard M Nixon
Adlai E. Stevenson
Adlai E. Stevenson
35. John "Jack" Fitzerald Kennedy * Dem 43 1961 46 Lyndon B Johnson Richard M Nixon
36. Lyndon Baines Johnson Dem 55 1963
64 None
Hubert H Humphrey
Barry Goldwater
37. Richard Milhous Nixon + Rep 56 1969
81 Spiro T Agnew
Spiro T Agnew++
Gerald R Ford %
Hubert H Humprey
George C McGovern
38. Gerald Rudolph Ford Rep 61 1974   Nelson Rockefeller % None
39. James "Jimmy" Earl Carter, Jr. Dem 52 1977   Walter F Mondale Gerald R Ford
40. Ronald Wilson Regan Rep 69 1981
93 George H. W. Bush
George H. W. Bush
James E Carter Jr
Walter Mondale
41. George Herbert Walker Bush Rep 64 1989   Dan Quayle Michael Dukakis
42. William "Bill" Jefferson Clinton Dem 46 1993
  Albert "Al" Gore Jr
Albert "Al" Gore Jr
George H W Bush
Bob Dole
43. George Walker Bush Rep 54 2001   Dick Cheney Albert "Al" Gore Jr
44. Barak Hussein Obama II Dem 47 2009
  Joe Biden
Joe Biden
Sen. John McCain
Mitt Romney
45. Donald Jon Trump Rep 70 2017   Sen. Michael R Pence Sen. Hillary R Clinton
Sen. Tim Kaine
46. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Dem 79 2021   Kamala Harris Donald Jon Trump
47. Donald Jon Trump Rep 78 2025   JD Vance Kamala Harris

*Died in office & was succeeded by Vice President.

**twice the President and Vice President have been of different parties:
In the Adams/Jefferson instance was as a result of the pre-1804 electoral system.
In the Lincoln/Johnson instance it was by agreement during the Civil War.

+Resigned and was succeeded by Vice President
++ Vice President resigned
% Appointed under the 25th Amendment
# Elected by the Senate

Party Abbreviations: Fed = Federalist, JR = Jeffersonial Republic, (later democratic)
Dem = Democratic, Rep = Republican

Modern names and calendar dates are used.

John Adams and John Quincy Adams were father and son.

George H. Bush and George W. Bush are father and son.

William H. Harrison and Benjamin Harrison were grandfather and grandson.

James Madison and Zachary Taylor were 2nd cousins.

Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D Roosevelt were 5th cousins.

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©2005-2025 Alan Freeman
Note:: This page is a work in progress.
I plan to add the date and place of birth, death, and burial.

Corrections are welcomed. Click on my name above to send a message to me.